Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Vote for Your Health

Just a Reminder: Voting Ends Midnight Tonight, December 31, 2008 (Obama Public Opinion Site) lets You Vote for Health Freedom as a Priorty Issue. We Have Moved Health Freedom from 98th place to 27th place. Voting Ends Tonight. We Need 1200 Votes to move into the Second Round. For more information go to (

The individual retains the right to say what goes into or is done to his/her body or their children's. Vote for all of these here. This includes choice of: practitioner (AMA approved or otherwise), vaccination (without coercion by schools, etc.), raw food (without coercion by bureaucrats), small farm source (without coercion by ag. dept., NAIS, etc.), pure food (without requirement for or secrecy of source, GMO, irradiation, chemical treatment), natural food and supplements (without restriction by patents, Codex Alimentarius, FDA, etc.).

"Personal freedom, health freedom, civil freedom, and the freedom to learn, share information and think your own thoughts free from harassment, inhibition or interference. Oh, yes, I urgently wish us in the US all a return to to the Constitutional form of Government which protects and directs a free society.

2009 CAN be a year of decisive forward movement for freedom - all freedom - if we join hands and hearts, ignore the distractions and disinformation (which indicate just how effective we are!), focus on committing ourselves to taking back our legitimate power and using it for making our voices ring loud and clear in the halls of power, in our homes and hearts.

Happy New Year!

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Related organizations:

Friday, December 19, 2008

December Pot Luck Planned

The December “POT LUCK” Luncheon will be held at 11:25 a.m Tuesday December 30th at our regular meeting place. (Wheelers Farm Main party barn.) Come and join the fun.

Bring a creative raw food dish to serve 8-10 people, and a serving utensil. Plus the recipe for the food you bring or e-mail it in advance to Gary Parker at

We welcome new comes.

Merry Christmas

At this time of year I am so grateful all the many friendships I have made this past year.

This year has been wonderful.

We have fun sharing great food and new ideas for health and greater well being. And its great to be on the Journey with so many great people. The New Year will be filled with great times.

And if you have ideas or suggestions on ways to improve our luncheons or meetings please let me know.

Helen Steiner Rice said it will in her poem, Let us Keep Christmas in Our Hearts

If we lived Christmas

each day as we should

And made it our aim

to always be good,

Then we’d find the key

to meaningful living

That comes not from getting

But unselfishly giving.

And we’d know the great joy

Of peace upon earth,

Which was the real purpose

Of our Savior’s birth…

For in the glad tidings

Of the first Christmas night,

God showed us the way

And the truth and the light.

May God Bless you, and may you have a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year

Love, Ande

Friday, November 28, 2008

In the future will this be the only way to Eat?

Fun foods for December

Sharing new ideas and recipes support us all in adding more nutritional, and whole foods to our diets gives us the leading edge in creating greater health and longevity for life.Here is just one of the many recipes that are available in a vast network of resources.

Coconut Breakfast Cakes

Originally published in Ani's Raw Food Kitchen by Ani Phyo

2 cups whole flax seeds or 3 cups flax seed meal (ground flax seeds) (I used the ground flax)
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 cup agave or maple syrup (I used agave)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup water

Put the flax meal, coconut oil, agave, salt and water in a large bowl and mix well. Form four balls and flatten into a "pancake" shape, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.

To serve, top with sliced fruit like bananas and/or chopped nuts like walnuts or almonds. Drizzle with syrup or a pat of margarine. These will keep for four to five days in the fridge. Makes 4 servings. Optional: Mix blueberries or walnuts into your breakfast cake mixture.

November’s Luncheon a great Success

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November Guest

Our November luncheon on Tuesday the 25th and you won't want to miss it. Put on your creative hats and bring a dish with a thanksgiving or Holiday season flare. These dishes will help us all be more prepared for the up coming holiday season. This I'm excited and thrilled to have as our guest my friend Vicki Talmage.

Vicki,inspired to regain and permanently overcome her own health issues, through research, body cleansing, and whole foods has created a system to simplify diet, thought patterns and lifestyle; assisting herself and thousands of people over the last 28 years to take accountability for their health, improve their lifestyles, and embrace peace, prevention and vitality as a priority in their daily lives.

She lives her program, and has experimented on herself by integrating into her own life whole vegan foods for the last 28 years, and for the last 16 years she has been living and creating menus and recipes for eating only raw-living foods. Vicki is an educator. She has been speaking publicly for the last 30 years.

This is the core of her work. For the last 15 years she has been teaching these principles in bi-monthly classes in Salt Lake City, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, and throughout California. She has taught seminars on this subject all over the world, and is currently teaching about raw-living food production in third world countries, to create a self-sustaining environment for people to grow and produce high-quality foods for themselves and their communities.

Vicki owns and manages Vitae Health, her body cleansing clinic in Midvale Utah. She is a Lifestyle Management Coach and has been educating and working one on one, and in seminar groups, with all varieties of people and myriads of health issues throughout the world. Her premise is; Clean the filth and toxins out of the body every 3 months;
Kill the parasites and fungus, Feed the body cellular building foods at least 50% of each meal;
And the body has the wherewithal to heal itself and regenerate.

Vicki experiences this health, vigor and vitality everyday as she joyfully lives her life as the mother of 7 children and the “Nana” of 6 beautiful grandchildren.

For more information about Vicki check out her website

See you soon, ANDRA

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Art of Tai Chi

Human beings do not sustain life by food and breathing alone. It is important to have a strong flow of energy within the body. Chi healing is an ongoing process of creating a balance between the Yin and Yang energies within our being. The most nutritious food would be of no use if our inner constitution is weak. In order to absorb and integrate the universal energy outside we must learn to integrate and strengthen the fundamental life force within our body.

Good health is living and being in balance with all aspects of our internal world - the body, mind, emotions and spirit so that we may be in balance and good relationship with all aspects of the external world. Just before the luncheon began on the 28th a special demonstration was arranged of this amazing skillful, mindful art by Michael Wilson, who has been studying with Master Lu for the last five years.

For anyone wanting more information about the classes that are being held, contact Andra Coccimglio about the Tai Chi group that meets weekly at Wheeler Farm.

Andra also incorporated some information from one of her other passions which is preparedness. Emergency preparedness was addressed by Joyce Lowy as she shared a home made (clothes washer) in the event of no electricity, and emergency lighting using Lanterns. To contact her for information about these items call her at 942-6089.

Fall Food Fest

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October's Luncheon

Our October luncheon will be held 28th and will begin at 11:15 a.m. Come join in the food and the fun. Following the luncheon we will be sharing some great information on healthy foods choices and viewing parts of the DVD “Eating” This award-winning Eating DVD covers a lot of ground very comprehensively.

Among the many highlights are interviews with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Neil Pinckney, Dr. Ruth Heidrich and Dr. Joseph Crowe. Dr. Crowe and Dr. Esselstyn are from the world-famous Cleveland Clinic Foundation and know something about heart disease.

In fact,Dr. Esselstyn directed the longest and most successful heart disease reversal program ever. These interviews will convince you that cardiovascular (heart) disease, the #1 killer in America today, can be reversed by switching to The Rave Diet. What you will get is a virtual one-on-one consultation with some of the world's leading authorities on heart disease reversal. Dr. Pinckney and Dr. Crowe both reversed severe heart disease by adopting The Rave Diet.

If you know someone with heart disease - who doesn't? - This will probably be the most valuable film they will ever watch - and from authorities with impeccable credentials. And if you eat to prevent heart disease, you will also prevent the other major chronic diseases that are plaguing Western nations.

You will also hear from Dr. Heidrich who, after surgery, treated her breast cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or any other conventional treatments by following The Rave Diet. The Eating DVD is used in wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets and restore their health.

Other topics include:
• Why we have an epidemic of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.
• Why following federal nutrition guidelines will kill you.
• Why the government promotes foods that shorten lives.
• Why almost everyone has cancer by the time they're fifty - and don't even know it.
• Why our top two nutrition worries should be our last.
• Why doctors treat symptoms of disease, not causes.
• Why our most deadly diseases were rare before 1900.
• Why most school-age children already have heart disease.
• Why there's no difference between white meat and red meat.
• Why Americans are constipated.
• Why American men are impotent.
• Why Americans have weak bones.
• Why politicians are America's dieticians.
• Why farm animal feces is standard fare in meat today.
• Why our eating habit is like smoking, but more lethal.
• Why the most disturbing death statistic of our time is so little known - and it comes from the Surgeon General. The Eating DVD also examines the consequences of our eating habit to the environment and animal agriculture. For more information about this DVD go to

Friday, October 3, 2008

October Living Food Fest

Fall is a wonderful time to enjoy the seasonal fall foods. Come and join us for our Fall Food Fest
Oct 28th at 11:00 a.m. We meet every fourth Tuesday and we invite you to bring a raw food dish to serve 8-10, plus your own serving utensil, and COPY OF RECIPE you prepared, or e-mail a copy to
Gary Parker at
These recipes are then e-mailed to those requesting them. Its a great way of sharing some great idea's See you there!

October is a wonderful time of year for Raw Food idea's. Here are some recipes to try from Tonya Zavasta's collection to enjoy.

The month of October greets us with an abundant harvest of raw foods such as: sweet potatoes, pumpkins and butternut squash, pomegranates, apples, pears and parsnips.

Hearty Fall Fruit Salad

Serves approximately 4
Juice 2 lemons and 2 oranges. Set aside
Into a serving bowl grate:
• 2 sweet potatoes
• 2 apples
• 2 Tablespoons ginger root
Add the following ingredients:
• 1 cup chopped walnuts
• chopped meat of one young coconut
• 1 cup chopped pineapple
• handful of raisins
Toss together with the juice and serve with a dusting of cinnamon on top

Butternut Comfort Soup Serves
approximately 2

Meat of 1 young coconut
1 cup coconut water
1 cup butternut squash, peeled and cubed
4 soaked dates (or 1/4 cup of another raw natural sweetener)
a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg
If desired, serve garnished with grated apple or more coconut.
Blend the ingredients at high speed until smooth.
Pomegranate Smoothie Serves 2
Prepare 2 cups pomegranate juice and combine in a blender with the following ingredients:
1 cup frozen fruit such as blueberries, mango or mixed berries
2 ripe bananas
1 leaf of Romaine lettuce
Note: Be careful if you purchase fruit that is already frozen. Such fruit may contain added refined sugar or preservatives.
Spicy Fall Marinade Serves 2-3
Combine the following dressing ingredients in a medium sized bowl:

And for some great idea's on different kinds of squash go to Stevens County at


Located at 698 EAST 300 SOUTH PROVO, UT 84606

Wednesday, September 24 - 7 pm $ 5

*Wheatgrass review Learn to sprout lentils and use them to make a raw curried lentil soup.

*Sept 25 Converting your Recipes to Healthy Alterative***

*Oct 9 Pumpkins- what to do with that left over Jack-O-Lantern***

*Oct 23 Food Presentations Styles and Tips***

*Nov 13 Holiday Food and Recipes***

*Nov 20 Holiday Potluck***

Upcoming Event:
The Body Ecology Diet Retreat in Springville
is coming up!
4 Days: Sept. 12 - Sept. 16
Sunday OFF
For more info: call 801-787-4487

Creating Healthy Children

Karen Ranzi gave a seminar on Friday, September 19th 2008

from 6:00-9:00 p.m. the cost was $25.00 in advance, $30.00 at the door and was held at Wheeler Historic Farm 6351 So. 900 East Murray, Utah

In this workshop, Karen shared the value of understanding the biological and emotional needs of children. We learned the importance of obtaining the best possible nourishment for your family, and how to transition to a healthier diet. Other topics related to a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, sunshine, water, and vaccination, will be discussed. Karen Talked about implement healthy choices successfully during pregnancy, lactation and raising children.

She shares delicious kid-tested recipes and reveals terrific tips for children of all ages in how to improve their diet.

  • Karen is a raw food support group leader for Accent on Wellness in New York City, a speaker and consultant.
  • She has been interviewed on TV and radio on the topics of vegetarian and raw food parenting.
  • She has presented on “Creating Healthy Children” at numerous seminars and festivals, including the Portland International Raw Food Festival in 2003, and the Creative Health Institute in Michigan and Raw Passion Seminar in Philadelphia in 2004. Karen directed the children's program of The Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona, Arizona in October 2007.
  • She has been teaching her class “Creating Healthy Children” for ten years in the tri-state, NY, CT, NJ, area and has written articles for Living Nutrition Magazine, Vegetarian Baby and Child Online Magazine, Health Science Magazine, Raw Foods News Magazine, and The Raw Dish.
  • Her book on the topic is expected to be out in 2008. In addition to her background in nutrition, Karen holds a Masters degree in speech pathology and is a speech therapist working with children for over 30 years.

Karen was able to heal her son from asthma, chronic ear infections, and allergies, and herself from digestive problems and cystic acne through dietary and lifestyle changes. And we all got to hear of her amazing journey.

For more information visit her at

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why Raw Foods are Good for You?

*Why Raw Foods are Good for You?*
* *Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:

**It seems pathetic we aspire to create a new product as “natural” as possible but destroy the very natural ingredients in the process. New packaged products appear on the market every day. Each time you try one of these new products, you are foregoing the old-fashioned fruits,
vegetables, nuts and seeds. As a result, you will not get enough nutrients from your meal.
Researchers are excited whenever they discover new benefits in produce of particular colors. The bright vibrant colors of fresh produce, such as the deep green of leafy vegetables, the lilac of blueberries, or the red of strawberries are a sign that this produce is packed with
antioxidants, called polyphenols.

The brighter the color of the fruit or vegetable, the more nutrient combatants it has to prevent degenerative diseases. Now picture what happens to the original rainbow of colors after cooking. The colors fade like old laundry. How can it not be more obvious to us: by tampering
with natural products, we are losing something essential for our health and beauty.

There is a scarcity of nourishment, but not of meals. In this country, we face unprecedented temptations. America is preoccupied with eating like no other country in the world. By giving in to the skillful seductions of the advertisers to try “new food," our bodies are starving
while we constantly chew and swallow. Ironically, the variety and affordability of foodstuffs leads us to become overfed and at the same time undernourished. The best way to resist these temptations is to develop an attitude towards cooked food in general and adopt the raw
food lifestyle.

Mark Twain wrote: “To eat is human, to digest divine.” We need enzymes to digest food. Our living body also needs enzymes for every other operation and chemical reaction to take place. Enzymes constitute the difference between life and death. Only living organisms can produce
enzymes, but their capacity to make enzymes is limited
and exhaustible. Our body hosts two types of enzymes: metabolic enzymes,
which run our bodies, and digestive enzymes, which participate in
digesting our food. Only raw foods follow nature’s design and come with
their own food enzymes to aid digestion. They are responsible for the
release of nutrients out of the foods we eat.

Dr. Edward Howell writes in his remarkable book /Enzyme Nutrition/ that heat over 118° F kills enzymes. If food is cooked, it does not bring enzymes, and the body is forced to use up its own digestive enzymes. Only living organisms, be it a human being, an animal, or a plant,
possess enzymes. No one would ever argue that a dead person is the same as a living one just because the chemical composition of the body is the same. And yet we never think twice about allegations that cooked food is as good as raw or better.

The plant world possesses integrity and the “life factor.” From an enzymatic approach, a picked up fruit or a cut off green is still alive, even though its own source of nourishment has been cut off. Seeds and nuts will reproduce if put into the soil, fruits will continue to ripen even after they have been picked from the tree, a vegetable--be it a carrot, onion, or potato--when put into the ground will sprout. Enzymes are combinations of proteins, vitamins, and minerals in an active molecular form. Chemists are able to synthesize some of these nutrients, but they have not been able to “breath life” into them. The “life factor” has never been and probably never will be re-created. Enzymes are very particular. They cannot tolerate heat, microwave irradiation, or pasteurization. Cooking always removes or spoils the goodness of food. Cooked food points down to the grave, because it is dead. Only humans apply heat to what they eat. Presently, humans apply heat to most of their food prior to consumption. Humans on average as a race, die at or below half their potential life span of chronic illness that is largely diet and lifestyle related. “You won't be surprised that diseases are innumerable--count the cooks.”
Seneca (4 BC-AD 65), /Epistles

Cooking is the most profound abuse of food. Cookbooks are full of recipes on how to smother the life out of a meal. The more creative they are in doing so, the more honor we attribute to the cooks. The concept of great cuisine is based on the opinion that plain fruits or vegetables are not appealing to the eye or satisfying to our taste. Natural food is seen as an enemy. The less the dish reminds one of the original ingredients, the prouder the cooks become. Raw produce is
treated not like the divine food but as something to be mutilated and manipulated. It is even called “from scratch,” as if it is a second-class product needing an upgrade. And yet, man is not capable of producing even a simple meal without using the basic ingredients he did not make. The talent of the cook should be applied elsewhere, because the basic fruits and vegetables he begins with are nutritionally superior to the most sophisticated creations he ends up with.

Traditional cooking alters the taste buds into being incapable of appreciating the flavor and taste of raw fruits and vegetables. We become more concerned with pleasing our perverted palate and satisfying our coarse sensation than with providing nourishment to our body. By cooking our food, we are killing nutrients that keep us alive and healthy. After we grill or roast, bake or boil, sauté or stew, we produce some decadent matter with no nutritional value and only by using salt or sugar abundantly can we get it to pass our taste buds. All cooks rely on salt, sugar, and spices to have their creations appreciated. Cooking without spices smells awful. Not surprisingly, spices wereoriginally used to disguise decaying and decomposing food.

How delicious is a fresh apple! But we put it in an oven and it becomes a squashy, mushy, shriveled mass requiring a load of sugar so one can eat it. In cooking, the original colors of fruits and vegetables are dulled and the initial variety of flavors is altered. Make no mistake,
the nutritional value is gone as well. It is ironic, but not incidental, that fresh produce is used for
decoration of this bland and dead food. We decorate this lifeless, tasteless, and shapeless mess with fresh green leaves and bright colored veggies to deceive our eyes. We add spices to disguise the smell.

We load it with sugar and salt to cheat our taste buds. Nowadays, health-conscious people know processed food is devoid of nutrients and try their best to avoid it. But somehow, home cooking escapes the stigma of “processed.” Cooking /is/ processing! And the difference between home cooking and manufactured foodstuffs is the same difference as between “dead” and “very dead.” We hear everywhere the less food is processed, the better. Why process it at all?

Most Americans do not eat the 5-9 recommended servings of fruit and vegetables each and every day. And if you haven’t heard yet…in January 2005 these government recommended allotments have been increased to 9-13 serving. Between the lines government is telling us in order to be healthy we need to go on the raw food diet. Since if you eat 13 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day you will not need or want anything else.

"This article may be freely reprinted as long as the entire article and byline are included." Tonya Zavasta is the raw food lifestyle expert, the author of the books Beautiful On Raw, Your Right to Be Beautiful and Quantum Eating _

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fun Lecture with Raw Food Demonstration

Raw food expert Tonya Zavasta one-of-a-kind dynamic speaker, and humorist
author of the books:
“Quantum Eating: The Ultimate Elixir of Youth ”
"Beautiful On Raw: Uncooked Creations" and
"Your Right to Be Beautiful: Miracle of Raw Foods";
named a finalist for 2004 Health Book of the Year Award

Want Optimal Health,Vibrant Energy,Youthful Glow! Then come Saturday September 6th 2008 and learn from the best.

During this 2- Hour Seminar you will learn the secrets of:
How to improve your chances for optimum health
How to reach an ideal weight and have boundless energy
How to reverse the aging process and enjoy impressive youthfulness
How to get rid of eye bags, eliminate puffiness, and add glow to your face
How to prepare delicious green smoothie, a “Elixir of Youth”

Potluck 1:00 pm –2:00pm
Lecture 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Potluck starts at 1:00 pm (bring a raw food dish and a recipe to share)
Wheeler Historic Farm 6351 So. 900 East Murray, Utah

Pre-registration for the lecture $20.00 per person, Pay at the door $25.00 per person
For reservations call Andra Coccimiglio at (801)947-8817 or email her at:

To learn more about Tonya Zavasta visit:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer food fest and Education

Dr. Sommers, a well known raw food person and doctor came and speak in addition I am deviating a bit from the 'health minded' speaker this month to a 'political minded' speaker. I have had several people ask me about my feelings on the 'Constitution Party'. I feel very strongly about our Constitution, and don't believe our government is following the Constitution in a lot of ways. So we had food for thought for all of us.

I have been trying to learn more, and decided this month I would have someone, actually two someone’s, share with us their knowledge on the Constitution and what they believe is happening in our Country.

Norm Davis will talk a bit about the Constitution party's candidate for President, Chuck Baldwin. ( I met him, terrific man!) Kirk Pearson, who is running for Congress, (whom I heard speak, a couple of weeks ago) does an amazing job of explaining how we are slowly losing our freedoms.

It was great to have everyone bring a raw food dish to serve 8-10, serving utensil, and COPY OF RECIPE, PLEASE. July 22nd, was a great Success!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How it all Began

Hello my name is Andra Coccimiglio and I’m very close to what I would call sixty years "young", and have felt strongly for the last forty years of my life, that nutrition was the key to health.

I wasn't exactly sure how to go about gaining that health, but knew it was vitally important. I would make homemade, whole wheat bread, I would sprout, and I would stay away from overly processed foods, as best I could. I have seven children, and a husband that wasn't at all convinced that meat and potatoes were not the best thing for him to eat. (He still feels that way, bless his heart!)

One day I was introduced to a book entitled "The Christ Diet, Connect Your Cells to your Soul". This book changed my life forever! I learned of a man, Charles J. Hunt, 24 years old, who dropped dead of a heart attack. To make a wonderful long story short, he was shown, on the other side that our body is a temple, and should be treated as such. He learned without a doubt, that we are completely and unconditionally LOVED. Unknown to this man before his "Nearer-Life Experience" and what he had learned in the next 14-years of research, was that the major contributor to the emotional problems occurring in his life, was due to the toxic residues from the cooked, processed and chemically sprayed foods he had been eating since birth.

I knew what I read in this book, was truth, but I also knew I couldn't live the things he suggested with my young, large family. I sat in the drive-up window of Taco Time, with the book sitting next to me, and seven hungry children in the back seats, I promised myself that one day, I would live the way this man professed was truth. I would eat a live food diet.

About five years ago, I decided to go on lemonade fast, that is, to drink water with lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I did not eat or drink anything else for ten days. I was hungry for the first two days, and then the hunger pains left me. I began to realize that my spirit was blossoming, it was wonderful. I realized at that time, that I needed to begin eating the way, I believe our Creator intended for us to eat.

I've learned that as soon as you commit yourself to something, the universe takes over to help it happen! Within days of deciding to change my life, I learned of a woman by the name of Victoria Boutenko, she was speaking in Prove that weekend on the benefits of eating a live food diet. She and her family were so inspiring and presented us a "feast" of beautiful raw foods!

I then had a woman by the name of Becky Johnson come and speak at my home; I invited about 20 people to hear her story of having terrible health challenges, to abundant health by eating a live raw-food diet. She was not only inspiring, but very helpful. At that meeting, I asked everyone if they wanted to start having raw food potlucks once a month. I knew I needed "comrades in arms" to be successful at this. I believe cooked, devitalized food and processed sugar are the greatest addictions we have on the earth, and the adversary does not want us to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh.

These luncheons have been so wonderful, I have met many awesome people, we have been enlightened by many wonderful speakers, and I believe, we have grown closer to our Savior, by having a clean vessel in which He can reside.

It’s been exciting to see the group grow over the last few years and we continue to meet, every 4th Tuesday of the month at the Wheeler Famer Barn.
It’s a great way to connect and share ideas recipes and information and have raw food potluck luncheon. Each person brings a dish and a copy of the recipe to share. And then we e-mail all who desire it a copy of those recipes shared. Its been great so please join us, and begin the journey to greater wellbeing and health.

Hey and If you have questions just e-mail me at