Saturday, June 7, 2008

How it all Began

Hello my name is Andra Coccimiglio and I’m very close to what I would call sixty years "young", and have felt strongly for the last forty years of my life, that nutrition was the key to health.

I wasn't exactly sure how to go about gaining that health, but knew it was vitally important. I would make homemade, whole wheat bread, I would sprout, and I would stay away from overly processed foods, as best I could. I have seven children, and a husband that wasn't at all convinced that meat and potatoes were not the best thing for him to eat. (He still feels that way, bless his heart!)

One day I was introduced to a book entitled "The Christ Diet, Connect Your Cells to your Soul". This book changed my life forever! I learned of a man, Charles J. Hunt, 24 years old, who dropped dead of a heart attack. To make a wonderful long story short, he was shown, on the other side that our body is a temple, and should be treated as such. He learned without a doubt, that we are completely and unconditionally LOVED. Unknown to this man before his "Nearer-Life Experience" and what he had learned in the next 14-years of research, was that the major contributor to the emotional problems occurring in his life, was due to the toxic residues from the cooked, processed and chemically sprayed foods he had been eating since birth.

I knew what I read in this book, was truth, but I also knew I couldn't live the things he suggested with my young, large family. I sat in the drive-up window of Taco Time, with the book sitting next to me, and seven hungry children in the back seats, I promised myself that one day, I would live the way this man professed was truth. I would eat a live food diet.

About five years ago, I decided to go on lemonade fast, that is, to drink water with lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I did not eat or drink anything else for ten days. I was hungry for the first two days, and then the hunger pains left me. I began to realize that my spirit was blossoming, it was wonderful. I realized at that time, that I needed to begin eating the way, I believe our Creator intended for us to eat.

I've learned that as soon as you commit yourself to something, the universe takes over to help it happen! Within days of deciding to change my life, I learned of a woman by the name of Victoria Boutenko, she was speaking in Prove that weekend on the benefits of eating a live food diet. She and her family were so inspiring and presented us a "feast" of beautiful raw foods!

I then had a woman by the name of Becky Johnson come and speak at my home; I invited about 20 people to hear her story of having terrible health challenges, to abundant health by eating a live raw-food diet. She was not only inspiring, but very helpful. At that meeting, I asked everyone if they wanted to start having raw food potlucks once a month. I knew I needed "comrades in arms" to be successful at this. I believe cooked, devitalized food and processed sugar are the greatest addictions we have on the earth, and the adversary does not want us to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh.

These luncheons have been so wonderful, I have met many awesome people, we have been enlightened by many wonderful speakers, and I believe, we have grown closer to our Savior, by having a clean vessel in which He can reside.

It’s been exciting to see the group grow over the last few years and we continue to meet, every 4th Tuesday of the month at the Wheeler Famer Barn.
It’s a great way to connect and share ideas recipes and information and have raw food potluck luncheon. Each person brings a dish and a copy of the recipe to share. And then we e-mail all who desire it a copy of those recipes shared. Its been great so please join us, and begin the journey to greater wellbeing and health.

Hey and If you have questions just e-mail me at