Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Vote for Your Health

Just a Reminder: Voting Ends Midnight Tonight, December 31, 2008 (Obama Public Opinion Site) lets You Vote for Health Freedom as a Priorty Issue. We Have Moved Health Freedom from 98th place to 27th place. Voting Ends Tonight. We Need 1200 Votes to move into the Second Round. For more information go to (

The individual retains the right to say what goes into or is done to his/her body or their children's. Vote for all of these here. This includes choice of: practitioner (AMA approved or otherwise), vaccination (without coercion by schools, etc.), raw food (without coercion by bureaucrats), small farm source (without coercion by ag. dept., NAIS, etc.), pure food (without requirement for or secrecy of source, GMO, irradiation, chemical treatment), natural food and supplements (without restriction by patents, Codex Alimentarius, FDA, etc.).

"Personal freedom, health freedom, civil freedom, and the freedom to learn, share information and think your own thoughts free from harassment, inhibition or interference. Oh, yes, I urgently wish us in the US all a return to to the Constitutional form of Government which protects and directs a free society.

2009 CAN be a year of decisive forward movement for freedom - all freedom - if we join hands and hearts, ignore the distractions and disinformation (which indicate just how effective we are!), focus on committing ourselves to taking back our legitimate power and using it for making our voices ring loud and clear in the halls of power, in our homes and hearts.

Happy New Year!

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Related organizations:

Friday, December 19, 2008

December Pot Luck Planned

The December “POT LUCK” Luncheon will be held at 11:25 a.m Tuesday December 30th at our regular meeting place. (Wheelers Farm Main party barn.) Come and join the fun.

Bring a creative raw food dish to serve 8-10 people, and a serving utensil. Plus the recipe for the food you bring or e-mail it in advance to Gary Parker at

We welcome new comes.

Merry Christmas

At this time of year I am so grateful all the many friendships I have made this past year.

This year has been wonderful.

We have fun sharing great food and new ideas for health and greater well being. And its great to be on the Journey with so many great people. The New Year will be filled with great times.

And if you have ideas or suggestions on ways to improve our luncheons or meetings please let me know.

Helen Steiner Rice said it will in her poem, Let us Keep Christmas in Our Hearts

If we lived Christmas

each day as we should

And made it our aim

to always be good,

Then we’d find the key

to meaningful living

That comes not from getting

But unselfishly giving.

And we’d know the great joy

Of peace upon earth,

Which was the real purpose

Of our Savior’s birth…

For in the glad tidings

Of the first Christmas night,

God showed us the way

And the truth and the light.

May God Bless you, and may you have a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year

Love, Ande