Hello everyone,
Are you all enjoying this beautiful "summer weather--not winter weather", I am!
I just wanted to remind you all that we will NOT BE HAVING A LUNCHEON THIS TUESDAY!
Our "pot luck luncheon" for July, will be a "pot luck dinner", and we will be richly entertained! Lynnette Thredgold and Jedd Moss are amazing musicians, I'm hoping many of you will join us to hear them both. Unfortunately, it cannot be at Wheeler Farm, as planned, (there is no grand piano any longer!) Anyway, it will be held at Lynnette's beautiful home in Bountiful.
There is limited seating, I will need to know, hopefully, with your payment, in advance, if you will be attending, it will be 20.00 in advance, 25.00 at the door. Please see the attachment, call me with questions, 801 718-3936 or e-mail me andracoccimiglio@hotmail.com.
As many of you know, Tonya Zavasta is coming to town again!! This is another "pot luck dinner" instead of luncheon. (She could only make it for the evening and on this date.) Please see the attached flyer, it will be on August 3rd, potluck from 5:00 pm--6:00 pm followed by her lecture.
There is a charge for this event, 20.00 in advance 25.00 at the door. If you didn't get to see her before, you are in for a real treat! We will not be having a luncheon on the 24th of August.
There is limited seating, I will need to know, hopefully, with your payment, in advance, if you will be attending, it will be 20.00 in advance, 25.00 at the door. Please see the attachment, call me with questions, 801 718-3936 or e-mail me andracoccimiglio@hotmail.com.
As many of you know, Tonya Zavasta is coming to town again!! This is another "pot luck dinner" instead of luncheon. (She could only make it for the evening and on this date.) Please see the attached flyer, it will be on August 3rd, potluck from 5:00 pm--6:00 pm followed by her lecture.
There is a charge for this event, 20.00 in advance 25.00 at the door. If you didn't get to see her before, you are in for a real treat! We will not be having a luncheon on the 24th of August.
Remember, a raw pot luck item to share (12-15 people, please), bring your serving utensil, and YOUR RECIPE! If you can make it by 11:15, it really helps the rest of us. Look forward to seeing you all. Ande