Thursday, October 11, 2012

Organic Emily

Organic Emily is a small business in the Salt Lake County area that works with local farms to distribute high quality bulk food and storage products at affordable prices!

All orders will be placed quarterly on the 15th day of January, April, July and October!

or ph: 801-792-3670      

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall Luncheon

It's almost that time again for our pot luck! The weather has been so beautiful, I hope it holds out until after the luncheon on Tuesday 23rd at the Coventry, at 6898 So. 2300 East. Time 11:15

Please bring a raw food dish to share with 12-15 people and try and use organic veggies if you can. If you need some suggestions for recipes, please call me! Please bring a serving utensil and YOUR RECIPE!

I have a wonderful woman speaking about the Optimum Health Institute she attended recently. (For those who don't know, the Optimum Health Institute is an amazing place you go to heal and learn to eat healthy!) Her name is Nancy Sears and she will tell us all about it. I hope to have a good turn out, we had very few at the last gathering, please come and join us!

 In addition to having my friend, Nancy speak on Tuesday, we will have Richard Thorpe show the latest DVD on GMO's and how dangerous they are. Hopefully you can stay for both!! Watch the trailer on this new DVD.
For more information Ande 801-718-3936