Friday, January 17, 2014

Starting a New Year

Hi everyone,
      Well, we are supposed to have the luncheon on the 28th of January, I for some reason thought three months was February!  Don't know what I was thinking!!  In consequence of this, I have booked someone to speak on the 25th of February.  I think I will just leave it February, I don't think any of you mind, do you? 
      I have Jenna Julianne coming.  She works with her family at Karen's Energy Center in Draper.  It is a great store, and  they have wonderful classes on eating a healthy and raw diet.
Jenna will be teaching us about "Superfoods"

"SuperFoods for a Super Body!"

10 SuperFoods from around the world are wanting to be part of YOUR daily diet! SuperLongevity, Super Health, Superior Strength and Unlimited Joy are yours when you consume these highest nutrient dense foods on earth. Come learn FANTASTIC recipes of the best ways to eat them, as well as their nutritional properties! For the whole family, these foods will have you feeling like Superman! FREE - Instructed by Jenna Julianne, SuperFood Wellness Director at Karen's Energy Wellness Center in Draper, UT.

      I will send this e-mail out again closer to the luncheon, but just wanted you to know, so you wouldn't show up at the Coventry this month!!  Enjoy your month, eat more live food, and see you February 25th!    Ande     Questions:   801-718-3936.